Our Vision


Grace Worship is the worship ministry of Grace Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Peoria, Illinois.

Each person is created to worship. Our hearts are designed to love and ascribe worth to what we treasure. As Christians, we worship Jesus, the only One truly worthy of worship (Colossians 1:15-16). It is the heartbeat of this church to turn the eyes of people off of this world and toward a loving Father, who gave Himself for us, even in the midst of our opposition to Him (Romans 5:8).

We are a church that is passionate about making the gospel known through song and story. At Grace, you’ll find this includes influences from traditions long standing in the church as well as modern influences of today’s songwriters and poets. Through it all, we desire to shepherd the congregation through the gospel story each Sunday.

Our vision is to be a family of worshipers, serving to unite the church through theologically rich and creatively beautiful art.



Before Jesus went to the cross, he prayed that His church would be one (John 17). We desire to write songs that advance this mission. By pulling from the rich heritage of Christian hymnody and integrating the culturally-sensitive church songs of today, we hope to make much of Jesus’ unifying mission through music that equips the church for worship across generations. Whether a church accents a past generation or a current one — whether the label is formal or informal — Jesus has not forsaken any in his church. These songs aim to celebrate that unifying gospel message. Every story and generation matters, because each represents unique ways in which God is displaying his glory through his Body and Spirit. We hope these songs point you to Jesus, help you understand and commune with Him often, and offer opportunities for you to stand beside your brothers and sisters of all ages and backgrounds in joyful, united praise.